Diversity, equity, inclusion

We are dedicated to building a (workplace) community that values and respects every individual, while actively challenging racism and promoting equality for all. Our commitment lies in fostering a culture of understanding, empathy, and solidarity, embracing our unique qualities (differences) and collaborating (working together) to dismantle systemic barriers and foster a just and equitable workplace (society).

Learn more about our commitments, progress and learnings through our annual DEI Impact Report.

Our approach




Acknowledge and celebrate our differences

Everyone brings something unique to the team based on the intersections of our diverse experiences, perspectives, and identities.

Engage with each other

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), workshops, and events centered in identity and inclusive behaviours give our BenchSci team members a space to foster community.

Influence with intention

We intentionally focus on systems that help us hire, develop, and promote talent in an inclusive and fair manner.

Amplifying marginalized populations

Employee Resource Groups

Our team members have formed groups around shared identities, including gender and sexual orientation, to elevate the voices and experiences of their respective communities.

Social channels and communities

There are also unofficial groups that haven’t developed to Employee Resource Groups, but connect via Slack, or through regular support groups to build community around shared life experiences.

Inclusive events

We evaluate our internal events and workshops to ensure representation across various dimensions of diversity.

BenchSci Forward

Learn more

Our technology positively impacts health, the environment, and social justice. Learn about how we’re pushing progress forward on these fronts.

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